Visual representation of the typeface and the typeface produced by the retro sign letters of "Tobacco."

The inspiration for this project came from a "cigarette" sales sign that I saw on the street one day. As shown in the figure, unlike today's concise typeface designs, the typeface style of this sign is retro and has many handwritten typeface features. In the subsequent creation process, the design features of the three visible kana were analyzed and further expanded throughout the hiragana and katakana to be applied to the actual poster creation.

The design concept for the series of posters is: Assuming that modern technological products such as iPhone, VR equipment, etc. were designed in the second or third generation of the last century, the products are advanced, but the design style of the advertising posters follows the retro style of the last century. Therefore, the retro typeface and decorative style of the poster screen representation of advanced electronic products creates a visual impact in time and space, which is an interesting visual experiment.