主题「IN THE END」直译中文为“终于”或“最终”之意,但它特指“在经历了较长时间或一连串事件之后所出现的结果“。海报一以和平鸽为设计主体,在鸽子与橄榄枝之间复杂的绕线象征通往和平之路的曲折;海报二则用了凶猛且具有攻击性的老鹰形象作为设计主体,海报中的鹰嘴里叼着象征和平的橄榄枝,就如同我们熟知的和平鸽形象一样,寓意:争端最终消散,和平终于实现。通过两幅海报来表达「IN THE END」的寓意,即:通往和平的道路虽然曲折,但和平的理想终会实现。
THE theme "IN THE END" literally means "finally" or "finally" IN Chinese, but it refers specifically to "THE result that occurs after a long period of time or a series of events". The first poster is designed with the dove as the main body. The complex winding between the dove and the olive branch symbolizes the tortuous road to peace. The second poster uses the fierce and aggressive image of the eagle as the main body of the design. The eagle in the poster carries an olive branch symbolizing peace in its beak, just like the well-known image of the dove of peace, which implies that disputes will eventually dissipate and peace will finally be realized. Through THE two posters, THE implication of "IN THE END" is expressed, that is: although THE road to peace is tortuous, THE ideal of peace will eventually be realized.
THE theme "IN THE END" literally means "finally" or "finally" IN Chinese, but it refers specifically to "THE result that occurs after a long period of time or a series of events". The first poster is designed with the dove as the main body. The complex winding between the dove and the olive branch symbolizes the tortuous road to peace. The second poster uses the fierce and aggressive image of the eagle as the main body of the design. The eagle in the poster carries an olive branch symbolizing peace in its beak, just like the well-known image of the dove of peace, which implies that disputes will eventually dissipate and peace will finally be realized. Through THE two posters, THE implication of "IN THE END" is expressed, that is: although THE road to peace is tortuous, THE ideal of peace will eventually be realized.